Rara Avis is an epic suspended sculpture poetically linking natural and manmade aviation.
Comprised of hundreds of precisely suspended pewter elements, the artwork employs a three-dimensional Pointillism wherein numerous small sculptures coalesce into a large evanescent composite form.
Travelers approaching the center of Midway Airport’s new passenger terminal will perceive a monumental image of a cardinal. Upon closer examination a perceptual shift occurs as the large avian form reveals itself to be composed of over 1800 small aircraft.
The history of aviation is represented in a broad spectrum of components, ranging from Leonardo-inspired designs to 19th century balloons to classic passenger airliners to 21st century spacecraft. Over fifty different aircraft are represented, all distinct, and all coming together to render a macrocosmic image of the Illinois state bird.
Rara Avis is a collaboration with Stu Schechter.